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Showing posts from November 23, 2010

To Glee or Not to Glee?

A new craze has swept over the nation in the form of a new tv show, Glee. I have been hearing from many friends that they love Glee, and are now a Gleek. I admit, at first I was hesitant about getting into a new teenager show, but after watching just a few episodes of Glee I was hooked. Then, I tried the ultimate test, I rented the DVDs and made my husband watch them. Turns out, he loves the show too! I was very surprised, but pleasantly so, because now we can watch Glee together. In my opinion, Glee is a refreshing show about teenagers. It's not about the rich, the popular, the pretty, or the elite. It's more about geeks, unique students, diversity, minorities, and real life situations. Now I am not saying that I love everything about this show, but there is so much to love anyways. I love that a girl got pregnant and it wasn't all happy and sappy, I love that Kirk is gay but is supported by friends and family although bullied at school. I love that Mercedes is big, be