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Showing posts from February, 2012

Finding Maine

When my husband and I were planning our wedding, we had a hard time figuring out where to go on our honeymooon. As recent college graduates with little money, we were on a budget and yet we wanted to do something new, different, fun, exciting, and adventurous. This led me to find our destination, Maine. It offered an adventure pack, which allowed us to go on an animal sightseeing tour and kayaking. We had never been to Maine, and since we had been vacationing at the beach in Delaware for about eight years now, we decided to do something daring and different. The Monday after we were married, we packed up the car, and drove the 10 hours to Moosehead Lake in Maine. It was a long and tiring trip, but we made it in one piece. We settled in to our hotel, and went to look around the town. We found that this town was very unlike the tourist towns down at the beach. Moosehead Lake is all local, there are no restaurant chains, no hotel chains, and no store chains. It was amazing to be st