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Showing posts from September 27, 2010

Easy A Reviewed

     Spoiler Alert: If you have not seen Easy A then do not read the rest of this review.      I watched Emma Stone do an amazing job in her new movie, Easy A. Which is about the fact that she lies about losing her virginity, and sleeping with a lot of guys after that. At first you are pulled in by the dry sarcastic humor, the funny family, the interesting character that Emma plays, Olive. But, then you are pulled in by the message of this movie: That lying about who you are, can actually make you momentarily forget who you are.      This movie had many great moments that were funny, happy, sad, intriguing, and for many people that actually went to high school, accurate. I find this movie very accurate in the way that rumors often spread like wildfire, without fact checking at all. Also, there is a bible hugging jugdgementalist (not a real word but still works in this instance) in this movie, that seems to perpetuate all the religious nut stereotypes, which begs the question, "A