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Showing posts from March 1, 2011

Book # 33 The Time Traveler's Wife

Late last night, I finished The Time Traveler's Wife,  by Audrey Niffenegger, which is also a wonderful movie. Most people already know, but this book is about a man who time travels and meets his future wife in the future when she is a young girl in the past, makes sense doesn't it? It's about how Henry time travels, and gives up his free will in order to see what his life is going to be like, who he marries, if he has children, etc. He already knows what will happen in his future, therefore most of his free will is gone, he still chooses things, but in the end those choices are the ones that get him to his future he's already seen. What I truly love about this book, is the unwavering love story. Through time and space, past, present, and future, Clare and Henry share a love that transcends all problems, all absences, all scrutiny. It's interesting that these characters never really question their love, or the fact that they will in time get together and get marr