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Book # 24

During the holidays, I also read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens to go with the Christmas mood. I have had this beautiful leather bound edition of three Charles Dicken's novels, and so I thought I would finally read the carol.

I found this story very scary, fun, and morally in line with the time that it was written. I enjoyed reading Dickens again, and found this story to be an easy and quick read. It was interesting to really read and listen to the real diction that was supposed to go with the story, not the changed diction that is in all the movie versions. I think that everyone should read this story, because it has an amazing message that shouldn't be thought of only around the holidays. We need to be thankful for our lives all year round, and be kind to one another, as well as love our friends and family openly.

Recently, I watched the cartoon Jim Carey version of this story, and I was struck by how much of the original language they use from the actual novel, as well as how graphic and scary they made the movie to be as well. I thought that it was daring and brave of them to do that, but I thought it was ridiculous for them to label this as a children's movie. It most certainly was not, and I am surprised that most children who watched it up until a certain age, didn't have nightmares because of it. Dickens didn't write this novel for children, who are still young and innocent, he wrote it for adults who have lost their way in their age.

Although, it was a rather good read, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Rating: (out of seven stars)


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