Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Publication Date: 2015
Synopsis: One day a mother, Rachel Jenner, and her son, Ben are walking in the park. Rachel lets her son walk ahead to the swings on the path, and when she gets to the path her son is gone. Rachel spends the book obsessing over her missing son, trying to piece together enough clues with the police to find him.
Review: This book has a lot of good suspense and mystery elements throughout it. It's a very realistic case of a missing boy. Rachel is a believable and well written character that depicts the average mother. She of course blames herself for letting Ben run ahead, and spends half of the book blaming herself, and the other half of the book trying to find anything to help the police find her son. The other main character is the police officer assigned to the case. He takes this case very personally as well, and tries to work to find Ben. I thought this was a good book. It was difficult to read at times due to my personal connections. I'm a mother as well with a young son, and I can only imagine what this situation would feel like and how difficult it would be to lose a child and spend months looking for him. There's quite a bit of ups and downs due finding suspects and then discovering their alibis or other circumstances. This was an interesting novel, and I am interested to read more by this author.
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