Genre: Fantasy/Fiction
Publication Date: 2009
The first novel in series, Fallen, follows the main character, Luce. Luce has recently fallen into some trouble. At her last school she accidentally started a fire and a boy died in it. Luce was blamed and in order to keep her from juvie, her family sends her to a reformatory school.
Luce arrives at the school and is immediately drawn to another student, Daniel. Although, Daniel does not seem to feel the same about Luce. She is pulled into a relationship with another student, Cal, even though her mind never strays for from Daniel. Luce digs deeper and deeper into the quirkiness of the student body and especially Daniel. What she discovers from her digging will change her life forever. She has literally fallen.
I enjoyed reading this entire series. I think that the books seem a little drawn out and longer than necessary. It took almost the entire first novel to reveal the truth behind the characters. Each book does move on and reveal something more about the enigmatic relationship between Luce and Daniel. Each book delves deeper into the main conflict. They are quick and enjoyable reads. The characters are written well and interesting, the setting changes in each novel, and the conflict is interesting and unique. It's above all a romance story, but without a lot of fluff.
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