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My 10 Ten picks for Books to be made into Movies

There are so many books out there that are already made into movies, but there are a lot of books that I would love to see on the big screen sometime. Here is my list of the top ten books I think should be made into movies.

1. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Such a great book, about a girl coming of age, dealing with the exact thing she tried to avoid throughout her whole life.

2. Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCaffterty
There are five books in this series, and I love each and every one of them. Jessica Darling is hilarious, and complex and it would be great to see a strong female character on the big screen.

3. If I Should Die Before I Wake by Han Nolan
All of Han Nolan's books are amazing, but this one seriously touches my soul. It's about a girl who is seeing the world from her perspective, and gets a chance to see the world through the eyes of a woman who survived some of the worst parts of the Holocaust.

4. 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult
This book might never make it to the screen, even though others of hers have, and I can understand why. This book is about a school shooting, but it's also about the pressures of high school, relationships in general, and bullying.

5. Flight by Sherman Alexie
This book is about a young Native American boy who is going through a time in his life where he could make the wrong decisions, and its about where he goes to find answers to those questions. Sherman Alexie has other novels that have made it to the screen, but I would love to see this one.

6. Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
Although, these books are still going, and one was just released, I would love to see this series be made into movies. This is kind of the opposite of the Vampire and Werewolf craze right now, these books focus on Shadowhunters who keep order for the dark part of the world to keep humans safe from downworlders.

7. Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer
This is a series that is fantasy as well, and meant for younger readers. I love this series because it focuses on faeries that live underground, and do not want to be found by humans.

8. Uglies, Pretties, Specials series by Scott Westerfield
This is another great series that is about a society after ours that is so advanced that they have broken people up into groups based on looks. It's a great series that pulls you in, and seriously makes contemplate our world today.

9. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
This book is about the Holocaust as well, but from another perspective. It's also about a girl and her travels, and how death follows her around.

10. Any Sarah Dessen book
Sarah Dessen has published like 8 or 10 books. I have read and enjoyed them all, and I wouldn't mind seeing at least one of them on the silver screen. They all have strong female characters, that are in love or having trouble with relationships.

There's my list of my top ten. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Hungar Games would have probably been number 1, but they are casting right now to make a movie out of the series so I didn't put it in. But I can't wait for the movie!


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