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Added a workout partner today

Well today was a little tough. For some reason all day I craved something sweet. I was having a hard time not wanting sweets and desserts. I'm usually more of a chocolate person, but today all I could think about was brownies, cookies, etc. I really needed to stay strong, so I ate my brown rice, broccoli, and chicken sausage bowl, and then ate some fruit. Then, I had the kids help me make some really good healthy blueberry muffins. This was a new recipe that I found. It has no oil or sugar in it. It is sweetened with honey and greek yogurt. The recipe called for plain greek yogurt, but I only had vanilla yogurt so I used that instead. These muffins also use oats in them to give them texture and a hearty quality. They only have about 119 calories in them as well. Score!! I love blueberry muffins, but I know there's a lot of calories in them due to the sugar and oil that's normally in them. These were fantastic! I love anything with oats, and they're moist and flavorful! Plus, with only about 119 calories in them they are basically guilt free.

On another note, today was a terrible allergy day for me. I get these days where I just sneeze and sneeze and it makes my nose run and it's really irritating. I did not want to work out at all, but I decided that if I asked my husband to join then I'd make sure that I actually worked out today. He happily agreed so I decided to forgo my recent dance cardio workout for the Femme Shredder  Beginner workout with Sabrina. Damn, that girl is beefed out! She is muscular and awesome! I love this workout with her. It's got a lot of different strength training moves, and it incorporates some weights as well. It's intense and quick, only 20 minutes long. I wish they would make a whole program with Sabrina, because she is badass. It was quick and a great workout! I burned 252 calories though.

Dinner was a little tougher. I have been trying to avoid bread as much as possible and have been succeeding, but tonight my mom invited us over for dinner and games. She made her famous chicken and biscuit, harvard beets, peas, and beef stew. I ate only one biscuit with minimal chicken and gravy over top. I ate more beets and peas, and had no dessert! This is definitely a step in the right direction. I'm not really a big over-eater, but I love those biscuits and I definitely would have had another later with butter and honey. We didn't bring any home, so I don't have to worry about being tempted. We had to make a quick, although not so quick stop at Wal-mart so I grabbed an apples and cheese snack pack which had only 90 calories in it. 

Overall, it was a good day. I'm getting better at working on not giving in to temptation and finding better healthier meals to make as well. I'm drinking more water everyday as well. My workouts are going good and I'm getting back into the swing of things. I definitely have some work to do before I am going to take on the 80 day obsessed workouts, but I'll get there! Each day has its ups and downs, but I am still working hard toward my goals. I can do this! 


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