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Isn't Cleaning a Workout?

Well today has been super tough so far. Since Christmas our house has been a pretty big mess. There's new toys, boxes, old toys, books, etc. everywhere! Finally, today I had had enough and something had to give. I played scrabble jr. with the kids, which was awesome, had my shakeology shake, and then got to work.

First, I tackled my son's room, because it's bigger and much easier to manage. I decided to take out some big things he doesn't really play with anymore and to put in the organizer bins that a friend of mine had given me recently. I have got to tell you that it was a ton of work, but so worth it! His rooms looks great, and he's got a ton of spots for adding toys in the future. Things are organized, cleaned, and put away. I even cleaned out his clothes to give to our friends that have a son a little bit younger than our son.

Then, I decided to take on my daughter's room. This is the harder room, because she's still in the nursery until we finish her bigger room upstairs. She's got a lot of bigger items too, like little people houses and castles and a big kitchen set. I really had no idea where I was going to put everything. So I decided to move her bed over next to the dresser. For some reason I then decide to shampoo her carpet just to make everything nice and clean and organized. Now I'm waiting to finish organizing her room until her carpet dries.

So, I go into my son's room to do some spot cleaning as well with our shampooer. This helps his room look a lot better too.

By the time all this is somewhat done, I am starved, and freaking tired. I'm so tempted to warm up pizza, grab a drink, and sit and watch a movie instead of working out. So I woman up, make a salad, some iced lemon water, and some cottage cheese. This actually turns out to be very filling. I have an apple for dessert and decide to watch a movie just to relax a little. After the movie is over I get my butt in gear and go upstairs to work out. Today I did the Rock It Out! workout which was great. There's some new and different moves in this workout and it was challenging at times. Overall, a good 30 minute workout where I burned 472 calories!! What a good check of calories burned! It felt awesome to get in.

I really thought that about 3 days in that I was going to give up today. Reorganizing and cleaning really took it out of me today. I wanted to take a short cut with eating and working out today. Thankfully my mind put a stop to that! I just kept thinking that I can't give up and I can't give in! I need to keep working or I'll never achieve my goals!

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For dinner I went with something easy for the kids, hot dogs and steamed broccoli. For myself I steamed brown rice, broccoli, and added a chicken sausage for protein. It smells and tastes amazing! I'm staying on track with healthy eating, adding in more veggies, eating less carbs, and drinking more water!! Yay!


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